News & Events
Nourishing Innovation

Nourishing Innovation

Oakland Engineer recently released an article highlighting Dr. Jonathan Maisonneuve’s research involving the investigation of ways of using fertilizer to generate useful mechanical work via pressure retarded osmosis.

When Research Led to Traveling

When Research Led to Traveling

Hope College Undergraduate Student, Meredith Bomers was given the opportunity to travel to NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center with her Research Mentor Dr. Peter Gonthier.

Thinking Outside the Dunes

Thinking Outside the Dunes

MLive recently posted an article about MSGC awardee, Calvin University Professor Deanna van Dijk and her inventive idea for a solution to her annual class trip to the sand dunes.

Interview with Lauren Bowling

Interview with Lauren Bowling

The MSGC team reached out to Lauren after she began her second and very different NASA internship this summer. We asked some questions about her experience comparing the two internships, one pre-COVID and the other during COVID. Read her interview here: Interview with...

STEPS Camp Goes Virtual

STEPS Camp Goes Virtual

In response to COVID-19, the Science, Technology, and Engineering Preview Summer (STEPS) Camp has cancelled all face-to-face camps for summer 2020. The staff is currently developing a virtual camp, called STEPS Co-Pilot, that will be aviation-themed, STEM-focused, and hands-on.

Interview with JustOne Crosby

Interview with JustOne Crosby

The MSGC team reached out to JustOne after our trip to Washington D.C. and asked some questions about his experience of the trip on Capitol Hill visiting the Michigan congressmen. Read his interview here: Interview with JustOne

MSGC Launches NEW Virtual Learning Program

MSGC Launches NEW Virtual Learning Program

Michigan Space Grant Consortium is pleased to announce that we have developed a new funding program for Virtual Learning. This program supports and encourages projects that are entirely or partially completed virtually. Designed to support programming developed during times when educational organization facilities are closed due to COVID to support STEM educational activities. 

MSGC Supports 20 Hope College Projects

MSGC Supports 20 Hope College Projects

At this time all Michigan Space Grant Consortium 2020-2021 award announcements have been sent out. Hope College recently posted an article in regards to all 20 of their awardees this year. Every proposal submitted by the college received funding.