Details at a Glance
- Award Amount: up to $5,000 per program and up to $5,000 for augmentation
- Funding period: June 1, 2021 – April 30, 2022
- Apply online: Submittable (Opens April 1, 2021)
- Submission Deadline: April 30, 2022
Program Descriptions
This program supports and encourages projects that are entirely or partially completed virtually. Designed to support programming developed during times when educational organization facilities are closed due to COVID to support STEAM educational activities.
Programs should describe their connection to NASA strategic interests as detailed in NASA Strategic Plan 2014. Preference is given to programs focused on aerospace, space science, and Earth system science. Programs focused on other related science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) fields, including educational research topics in STEAM, are also eligible to apply. Collaborative efforts that include partners from colleges and universities, small businesses and industry, K-12 educational institutions, and community groups are encouraged.
Further Details
Eligibility: Participation in this program is open to (i) faculty members at MSGC affiliated institutions and (ii) representatives of nonsectarian educational or community organizations, statewide. Under-represented minorities, women, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Merit: The merit of applications is judged based on primary and secondary criteria. The primary merit criteria for all educational programs are (i) relevance to NASA strategy, (ii) clarity of the proposal, (iii) degree of focus on STEAM subjects, (iv) evaluation plan, and (v) the credentials of personnel. Secondary merit criteria are the quality of the relationship between the budget and the statement of work, involvement with underrepresented populations (specifically women, minorities, and persons with disabilities), and the clarity of the cost-sharing mechanism. Additional merit criteria specific to individual programs are:
Use of funds: Funding can be used for supplies and services, salaries, and minimal domestic travel. Funding cannot be used toward purchases of equipment or foreign travel. According to 2 CFR 200.33, the definition of equipment is: tangible personal property (including information technology systems) having a useful life of more than one year and a per -unit acquisition cost which equals or exceeds the lesser of the capitalization level established by the non-Federal entity for financial statement purposes, or $5,000. See also §§200.12 Capital assets, 200.20 Computing devices, 200.48 General purpose equipment, 200.58 Information technology systems, 200.89 Special purpose equipment, and 200.94 Supplies.
Cost sharing: MSGC funds must be cost shared at least one-to-one with funds from non-federal sources. The source of cost share funds must be identified and accompanied by a letter of commitment from those sources. The ratio of cost shared to sponsored funding is not a factor in award decisions. Information about allowable cost-sharing can be found in 2 CFR §200.306 and 2 CFR 1800.306.
Indirect costs (IDC): IDC is allowed, but consideration should be given to the fact that IDC will lower the funding available for the programmatic elements and decrease the unrecovered funds that can be applied for cost sharing.
Application Requirements
Applications must be submitted via Submittable
The proposal, which must be uploaded as a single pdf, should include the following. Use 12-pt font, 1″ margins, and single spacing. Tables and references may utilize a smaller font.
- Program description, including the following components. Limit: 2 pages.
- An abstract (not to exceed 100 words)
- Community overview – Included description of expected participants and demographics.
- Strategic goal of the project, including relationship to Next Generation Science Standards.
- Specific objectives of the project (within the strategic goal)
- Scope of the program – Describe what will be done in this program and how it relates to the objectives.
- A timeline for the program, from implementation to completion, focusing on milestones.
- If partnering with one or more specific pre-college institutions, include letters of support from institutions (not counted in the page limit).
- Detailed budget and budget justification, using the template budget provided. Upload the completed budget to the online application. Limit: 1 page.
- Budget narrative and detailsthat substantiates costs. The proposed budget shall be adequate, appropriate, reasonable, realistic, and demonstrate the effective use of funds (both NASA and cost-shared) to align with the proposed project/s. Direct Labor costs shall be separated by titles (e.g. instructor, director, etc.) with estimated rates and total amounts of each. Domestic travel shall include the purpose, the number of trips and expected location, duration of each trip, airfare, and per diem. Other costs shall be explained in reasonable detail and substantiated whenever possible. The certified negotiated indirect costs for the institution shall be explained sufficiently. The same shall be done for cost-shared funds. No page limit.
- One-paragraph descriptionsfor each of the key personnel, stating their qualifications and their role in the project.
- Letter/sfrom authorized individual/s regarding commitment/s of the non-federal match.
Reporting Requirements for Award Recipients
A final report is required by May 31st, 2022, giving a complete description of the educational activities funded by the MSGC Virtual Learning Program award/s. Content in this report may be utilized in the MSGC Newsletter, Frontiers and our social media channels. Report submission is accomplished by uploading the materials into a secure folder. Personally Identifiable Information (PII) may not be emailed. Send all communications to Make sure to tag, link or give credit to Michigan Space Grant Consortium in the description of any uploaded videos.