2024 Fall Conference
Saturday, October 19, 2024
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Registration Closed

MSGC Fall Conference
This conference is an opportunity for individuals from academia, industry, and the local community to share their experience in areas related to NASA strategic interests. It is also a forum where MSGC Fellowship recipients can present the results of their research and where MSGC Educational Program award winners can share about the impact of their efforts. The conference is free to all, but registration is required for planning purposes. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Make sure to read and review the MSGC Meeting Code of Conduct.

BSRB (Biomedical Science Research Building)
aka Pringles Building on campus
109 Zina Pitcher Pl
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Parking will be free the day of the conference. Download the Parking Map for directions to the available parking garage.
Wifi at BSRB
Network: MGuest
No password needed
Network: EduRoam
Login with your school credentials

Want to Present?
Abstracts (not to exceed 150 words) will be solicited for oral and poster presentations that detail efforts in MSGC programs as well as non-MSGC-supported but related activities. Individuals planning to make a presentation at the conference should submit an abstract at the time of registration. We cannot accommodate Virtual Presentations at the Conference. On the registration form, note preference for oral or poster presentation. All information for the presentation – title, authors, institution, address, and abstract – are entered directly into the registration form. Oral presentations are not guaranteed due to limited space.
Ideally most presenters at the conference will be MSGC award recipients from the 2024 academic year and those from 2023-2024 who have not yet had a chance to present their work.
If presenters request to give a talk, they will be informed by September 23, 2024 whether or not that will fit into the schedule for the day or whether their presentation will need to be a poster.

Oral Presentations:
- Talks are scheduled with 10 minutes for:
- 6-minute talk with 3-minute Q&A
- including transition time
- Send PowerPoint Presentation to mispacegrant@umich.edu by Wednesday October 9th with your name in filename.
- Room in Agenda for about 18 Presentations.
Poster Presentations:
- Posters should be 32 x 40 inches
- Orientation can be formatted in either portrait or landscape
- All posters will be assigned to a specific poster board stand. The number will be listed in the Participation Packet.
- Stands, backing materials and push pins will be provided
- Presenters must attend the duration of the Poster Session in which they are scheduled
- Poster Presenters should have their posters up before 9:00am.
- Posters must be removed by 4:15pm.
- Posters not removed by 4:15pm may be subject to damage or loss.
Student Assistance
If you need assistance with lodging or mileage reimbursement for the Fall Conference please contact the MSGC Team at mispacegrant@umich.edu by September 20, 2024.
Catering will be provided by Panera
Coffee, Tea, Orange Juice, Bagels & Morning Pastries
Lemonade, Tea, Water, Sandwiches & Salads

Keynote Speaker
Alec D. Gallimore, Ph.D.
Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Alfred J. Hooks E’68 Distinguished Professor
Duke University
Alec D. Gallimore is the Provost and Chief Academic Officer of Duke University and Alfred J. Hooks E’68 Distinguished Professor in the Thomas Lord Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science in Duke’s Pratt School of Engineering.
Prior to his appointment at Duke in 2023, Dr. Gallimore held multiple leadership roles over his 30+ year career at the University of Michigan, including the Robert J. Vlasic Dean of Engineering, associate dean for academic affairs, associate dean for research and graduate education, and associate dean at the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies.
Dr. Gallimore is a leader in the field of advanced spacecraft propulsion and founded a laboratory at the University of Michigan that is developing the plasma drive system that may ultimately propel humans to Mars. His work has been recognized by lifetime achievement awards such as the Wyld Propulsion Award from the AIAA, the Ernst Stuhlinger Medal from the Electric Rocket Society, and induction into the National Academy of Engineering.
Before the start of his career in academia, he solidified his credentials as a rocket scientist first at Rensselaer (RPI), where he received his BS degree in aeronautical engineering, and then at Princeton, where he received his MA and Ph.D. degrees in aerospace engineering with a focus on plasma physics and advanced spacecraft propulsion. He is the author of over 360 publications, has worked at NASA (JPL and GRC), and has been the advisor to 44 Ph.D. students and 14 master’s students.

Deadline Schedule
August 16, 2024 – Registration Opens
September 13, 2024 – Registration Closes
September 23, 2024 – Oral Presenters Notified
October 9, 2024 – PowerPoint Presentations Due (for Oral Presenters)
October 19, 2024 – 2024 MSGC Fall Conference