2022 Fall Conference
Saturday, October, 22, 2022
Ann Arbor

MSGC Fall Conference
This conference is an opportunity for individuals from academia, industry, and the local community to share their experience in areas related to NASA strategic interests. It is also a forum where MSGC Fellowship recipients can present the results of their research and where MSGC Educational Program award winners can share about the impact of their efforts. The conference is free to all, but registration is required for planning purposes. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Make sure to read and review the MSGC Meeting Code of Conduct.

BSRB (Biomedical Science Research Building)
aka Pringles Building on campus
109 Zina Pitcher Pl
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Parking will be free the day of the conference. Download the Parking Map for directions to the available parking garage.
Wifi at BSRB
Network: MGuest
No password needed
Network: EduRoam
Login with your school credentials

Want to Present?
Abstracts (not to exceed 150 words) will be solicited for oral and poster presentations that detail efforts in MSGC programs as well as non-MSGC-supported but related activities. Individuals planning to make a presentation at the conference should submit an abstract at the time of registration. We will be live-streaming the Keynote & Oral Presentations from the Conference. We cannot accommodate Virtual Presentations at the Conference. If you are unable to attend in person, you may record your presentation ahead of time. The video will be posted on the MSGC website and YouTube channel. On the registration form, note preference for oral or poster presentation. All information for the presentation – title, authors, institution, address, and abstract – are entered directly into the registration form. Oral presentations are not guaranteed due to limited space.
Ideally most presenters at the conference will be MSGC award recipients from the 2022-2023 academic year and those from 2021-2022 who have not yet had a chance to present their work.
If presenters request to give a talk, they will be informed by September 23, 2022 whether or not that will fit into the schedule for the day or whether their presentation will need to be a poster.

Oral Presentations:
- Talks are scheduled with 10 minutes for:
- 6-minute talk with 3-minute Q&A
- including transition time
- Send PowerPoint Presentation to mispacegrant@umich.edu by Wednesday October 13th with your name in filename.
- Room in Agenda for about 18 Presentations.
- Optional: Record a video of your presentation ahead of the conference to be uploaded to the MSGC Website & YouTube Channel. Acceptable video uploads include: .MOV, .MPEG4, .MP4, .AVI & .WMV. Videos Due October 1st.
Poster Presentations:
- Posters should be 32 x 40 inches
- Orientation can be formatted in either portrait or landscape
- All posters will be assigned to a specific poster board stand. The number will be listed in the Participation Packet.
- Stands, backing materials and push pins will be provided
- Presenters must attend the duration of the Poster Session in which they are scheduled
- Presenters in Poster Session A should have their posters up before 9:00am and taken down by 12:00pm.
- Presenters in Poster Session B should put up their posters between 12:00-1:00pm.
- Posters must be removed by 4:15pm.
- Posters not removed by 4:15pm may be subject to damage or loss.
- Optional: Record a 3-5 minute video of your presentation ahead of the conference to be uploaded to the MSGC Website & YouTube Channel. Acceptable video uploads include: .MOV, .MPEG4, .MP4, .AVI & .WMV. Videos Due October 7th.

Student Assistance
If you need assistance with lodging or mileage reimbursement for the Fall Conference please contact the MSGC Team at mispacegrant@umich.edu by September 20, 2022.
Catered by Panera
Variety of Breakfast Sandwiches, Variety of Breakfast Souffles, Pastry Platter, Fruit Salad, Coffee & Tea
Catered by Palm Palace
Pita Platter’s: Chicken Schwarma, Tawook, Kafta, Falafel; Hummus, Fattoush, Tabulee, Pita Bread, Baklava Mix, Rice Pudding, Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Bottled Water

Keynote Speaker: Cindy Hasselbring
K-12 Education Advisor, Next Gen STEM, Office of STEM Engagement, NASA Headquarters
Cindy Hasselbring serves as a K-12 Education Advisor for Next Gen STEM in NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement (OSTEM). In this role, she led the development of NASA’s first online community of practice for educators, CONNECTS, and oversees its implementation. Cindy also serves as NASA Next Gen STEM’s liaison to educator organizations. Prior to Cindy’s role at NASA, she served as Assistant Director and Senior Policy Advisor for STEM Education at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. She served as subject matter expert on STEM education for the President’s Council of Advisors of Science and Technology, co-chaired five interagency subcommittees and working groups, and provided multiple reports on STEM education to Congress on behalf of the White House.
Cindy has STEM education policy experience at the state level also leading STEM initiatives at the Maryland State Department of Education, which included the expansion of computer science, development of a youth apprenticeship program, and conducted STEM education workshops for approximately 300 Maryland
Prior to working at MSDE, Cindy completed two years as an Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia where she worked in the Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics in Science Teaching program during her first year. In her second year, she supported the Assistant Director of NSF’s Education and Human Resources Directorate and contributed to the development of the former Federal STEM education strategic plan.
Cindy also led efforts to build a four-year aviation STEM curriculum while serving as Senior Director of the High School Aviation Initiative at the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Cindy has 16 years of teaching experience as a high school mathematics teacher at Milan High School in Milan, Michigan, was awarded the Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching and achieved National Board Certification. She served as an assistant cross country and track coach while at Milan. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and flying as a private pilot.